Matthew & Kristina: engaged || celina, tx engagement & wedding photographer

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"I have never been so mad at someone outside of my family as I was at him that day."

Haha, I just love a good love story.  Matthew and Kristina met in passing January of 2009.  She doesn't remember meeting him but he says they were definitely introduced the morning he visited her church with a friend...and he thought she was pretty.  Later that year they ended up both working for a Christian ministry out in E. Texas, and that's the first time Kristina ever remembers actually meeting Matthew.  It was a big ministry and since they were working in two different areas they didn't get a whole lot of time to interact with each other.  But their paths did cross on almost a daily basis and either in the dining hall or just walking across campus.  As Matthew watched her and tried to get to know her a little bit in a "just friends" kind of way, his admiration  for her continued to grow.
Kristina: "I kind of figured he liked me.  I mean, he was always watching me.  Not in a creepy way, but I kept catching him staring at me in the dining hall and other times.  But I didn't know him very well and wasn't really interested."

Matthew: "Oh, I definitely liked her, but the timing just wasn't right.  I was heavily involved in the leadership of a ministry working with young men and I knew that now was not the time to start a relationship.  So I knew I had to wait, but it was hard.  Really hard.  I tried to just treat her the same way that I treated most of the other girls I worked with...only problem was, I didn't really talk a whole lot to other girls.  Which meant that in order to not single Kristina out I didn't get to talk to her a whole lot either."

After a few months of working together they were both about to move back home for a little while.  The day that Matthew left he said goodbye to Kristina's brother (who he was good friends with) and her little sister...but left without saying goodbye to Kristina.

Kristina: "I have never been so mad at someone outside of my family as I was at him that day."

Because at that point Kristina was a little bit interested.

It was so funny when they were telling me their story and got to this part Matthew immediately started apologizing and hugging Kristina, and Kristina said that every single time they tell the story he apologizes for that :)

But thankfully the story doesn't end there.  After several month of waiting and praying about it Matthew finally talked to Kristina and her dad about starting a relationship with her in October of 2010.

And exactly a year (to the day) later...he proposed :)

Kristina told me that she thought that he wasn't going to propose until around Christmas time and she was sad because she really wanted engagement photo's taken in the Fall.  So she was super surprised and happy when he proposed in October.

Their engagement shoot was gorgeously happy from start to finish.  We even got to take pictures with a vintage car that an older gentlemen who happened to be driving by as we were taking pictures was kind enough to let us borrow for a few minutes!

Congratulations on your engagement you two, I can't wait for your gorgeous country wedding next spring! 

Much Love.
Jessica Shae
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  1. aw. Their story is so sweet. And the photos are just the cutest evah. loveLoveLOVE. :)

  2. such a sweet story! love the pictures...

  3. Cute couple! Love the ring shot too.

  4. Aw, love it! Good job girl!!! My brother and his girl are so good lookin' together. :)

  5. That was SO sweet of the old man to let y'all use his car!!

  6. Aw, you did a really good job with this couple! Kristina is beautiful!

  7. so perfect and beautiful! they are super cute. great job jessica!

  8. What a GREAT story and how perfect that that guy just *happened* to drive by with that car!!! I am sooo crazy about vintage cars. :-) Love the photos!!

  9. what a beautiful story! and stunning photographs too, of course :)

  10. Jessica, I have to say that as a friend to Matthew's family, these images are beautiful! And as a fellow photographer, they're...well, beautiful! I love the soft style of your photography.


  11. beautiful beautiful photos--they are so lovely, and their story is so adorable. I love the light, and the ring photo is to die for. ♥

  12. They are such a sweet couple! These are great pics! I just love Kristina and it was great meeting Matthew the week they got engaged. :)


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Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae