[ promise reminder ]

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dusk is my absolute favorite time of day.
I love the way the light turns this golden yellow color and dances across the grass and makes you feel like you are basking in the warmth of a great big dandelion. I love watching the light fade from golden yellow to the colors of cotton candy, light blue, pink and lavender. It never ceases to amaze me, and during the Summer, almost every night I find an excuse to be out in it - to watch all the magic happening around me.

And I never never get tired of it. How could I, with an infinitely creative God designing each one every night? These pictures are from one of my favorite sunsets of the Summer so far, (taken with my cell phone) because it seemed like a special sunset - designed just for me, by a Creator who knew just what was going on in my heart.

Something I've been focusing on alot lately is trusting God, not only because He commands me too, but because I really want to learn to believe He is worthy of my trust. It may seem simple, and cliche, but it's alot harder than it sounds . . . for me at least. And so because of that, I have been thinking alot about His promises, and how He has fulfilled or is in the process of fulfilling every promise that He has ever made to me.

So when I saw this rainbow in the sky while swinging on the swings at the park the other night with my little siblings. . .I felt like God had put it there just for me.

The same summer sky - in 3 different directions. Isn't it just gorgeously amazing!?

Much Love.
Jessica Shae
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Oh hey!
Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae