Sonic runs and toes dipped in the lake after a hot hour and a half of shooting. Late nights where messy buns and pj's were the dress code, strawberries and nutella were our fuel, and laughter came easily. Awkard (read: hilarious) elevator rides at the hotel, and sing-a-longs in the car with colbie callait and the zach brown band. Conversations and stories that echoed up and down the hotel hallways as we walked to and from the elevators. Skin kissed by the sun after a few hours spent floating down the lazy river at the resort pool. Three photo sessions, lots of editing, business talk, branding, designing, blogging, and eating boatloads of delicious food all crammed into 4 short days of fabulousness.
I have to admit that I was a leeeetle bit stressed + apprehensive going into the week. This years internship was just so much different and bigger than last year, I'd planned the best I could but went into it not really sure how everything would flow and hoping that I'd be able to teach these fabulous girls something they didn't already know :) I was so excited to actually meet all the sweet girls that I'd been emailing and talking for the past few months but just co-ordinating getting all of them + their luggage from the airport to the hotel seemed like a feat in and of itself. (I did get everyone, and quite safely I might add. Despite the fact that my freshly cleaned car was covered in bird poop Monday morning when I walked out to go to the airport, half of my headliner somehow pulled down-yay for tacks!-someone smashed my rearview mirror in while it was sitting in a walmart parking lot, and I lost my gas cap when I filled up with gas and forgot to screw it back on. Yes, all this happened within a 24 hr period. My poor car.)
The whole week was filled with unforgettable memories, and I can't express how grateful I am for every single girl who came and was a part of those memories. I miss each of you OHSOMUCH and I wish I could have kept you here all Summer long.
4 days, 10 girls, one resort, approximately 20,000 pictures--one grand adventure.

Hannah Elise Our Iowa delegate who kept us all laughing with her quiet dry humor. I knew I would like this girl from the moment that I found out that she celebrates half birthdays too, hellooooo bff material :) And besides being an awesome photographer, she's also a fabulous graphic designer and it's fun to see how she's incorporated that into her business :)
Julianna Grace Julianna was one of the youngest interns but you never would have guessed that--this girl has talent! Her sweet little demure smile was a favorite and her quiet confidence working with our models was impressive :) Nebraska natives check out her work and hire her!
Olivia G. She had us all (ok, so maybe it was just me) jealous of her natural tan from day one, and kept us laughing with stories about her 10 siblings (4 of whom are from Ethiopia!). She's from Indiana so I'm already trying to figure out how I can go see her on my next visit up there to see The Boy's family! Her photography is beautiful and I love the raw, natural feel that it has. (also, the way she crinkles her nose when she laughs is adorable--so hire her on that basis if nothing else:)
Madeline Hunt Her business name is Sofia Hilder (don't let that confuse you) and as she put it in her "about me" section of her new blog, she "is smiling or laughing about 80% of the time. Seriously...she neeever stops, she's one of the happiest people I've met :) She's from Minnesota, and therefore doesn't always know how to pronounce things properly ;) But if you hire her you can be sure you'll laugh a lot.
Anna Mae Her beautiful freckle-faced smile was a happy addition to our little group and we were obviously fast friends because of our mutual love of Nutella, and her homestate, Colorado :) I had so much fun getting to know her better, talking politics and photography (two of her biggest passions) and I'm so excited to see where her business goes in the next few years!
Madison Grace Maddi was the only intern that I had actually ever met before the internship. She is a long time blog reader and I was so excited to meet her a little over a year ago at one of my brothers basketball tournaments. She helped represent my aweeesome homestate with her winsome smile and sweet southern personality. West Texans hiiiire her before she's all booked up! ;)
Hannah Nicole Many of you are already well aquainted with this fabulous girl, since she was the one who redesigned my blog+website this spring. I was so excited when I heard she was not only interested in being a part of my internship but that she would also be willing to help me with the design part of the internship. She did the lions share of helping all the girls redesign her blogs and did a fabulous job on all of them! :) But besides that, she was so much fun to have around, even if we did tease her incessantly about her Minnesota accent and the way she pronounced "Bag" ;)
Lauren Rae Though this girl saaaays she's from Chicago we were all convinced she'd flown in straight from the beaches of California :) She just looks like she belongs there. This girl was eager to learn, asked tons of questions, and after a year of shooting and learning I'm so excited that she's officially launching her business this summer! Chicago peeps check her out!
Chelsea Raye Chelsea was the only local intern and since she was also the oldest intern she was affectionately nick-named mom #2 of the week. Chelsea showed up with her awesome pink and purple streaked hair, big smile, and hilariously bubbly personality and we all fell in love with her. And like being a talented photographer isn't enough, she's also a dancer and teaches dance at a cute little dance school in the DFW area. She's fuuun peeps, and her kiddo photos are especially amazing!
Anna, Olivia, Hannah, Madeline, Hannah, Chelsea, Julianna, Lauren, and Maddi, I love you all thanks for making this week one of the greatest ever! :)
p.s. I realize there are a lot of them, but you serrrrriously need to go check out all of their blogs! Click on their name underneath each of their pictures and take a peak and their new brands + blogs (a few of them are still a work in progress--so keep checking back) and leave'em some love!
p.p.s. for those of you who've been asking if I'll be having another internship next year, to be honest I'm just not sure. I'll be married by then (ahhh, happy dance) and life will look very different, so while I'd love to do another one, I'll have to re-evaluate next spring and see if that's a possibility! But if I do have another one I'll announce it on the blog so stay tuned!
Much Love,Jessica Shae
ohhhhh I love this post! I have been looking at all the girls blog posts about their summer adventure with you! So glad ya'll had such a good time! If you do have an internship next year, I would be interested!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say..the internship was one of the highlights of my year. you are one of the awesomest-fab people I've met in my life, Jessica. I had ohsomuchfun and I'm so sad that its over. :( thanks for everything. and I'll never forget about "baeg." so hilar. and the elevator story, and everything else. those 4 days were awesomesauce. the end.
ReplyDeleteELEVATOR STORY. Best one of the week :)
DeleteYOU are so fun my friend and I'm oh so happy you were a part of the adventure :)
this. this is incredible.
ReplyDeletei love every bit of it.
i hope you do have another one, because by then i'll finally be sixteen!
ReplyDeleteand yes. minnesota accents are absolutely adorable. being a native texan myself (no accent, though, darn), we'd point out every little thing that was different about the way someone else talked. we'd just think it's cool.
great post, girl! love all the photos.
ps hmm... there's no link for julianna's blog! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it's this Julianna: http://gracegirl14.blogspot.com/
DeleteThat's her old blog, she has a new one but it's not live yet :) As soon as it goes live I'll post the link to it! :)
Deleteoh, I am so wishing I could been a part of this... gorgeous, gorgeous. you ladies are radiant.
ReplyDeleteawwww. a week ago we were all in texas, crammed into our hotel room trying to finish design stuff + go over last minute questions before brunch. I LOVE THIS POST, JESSICA. what a crazy amazing week. The summer adventure was one of the biggest highlights of not only my summer, but my year (seeeeriously). I miss all of you lots and STILL think that you and the boy should come on up to Minnesota. :) aaaah. BESTSUMMERADVENTUREEVER. :) :) :)
ReplyDeletemmmm, you could get married and I'd totally come up there for that! ;) :):)
Deletewelllll....remember, you have to help me pick out my wedding dress, because we're like kindred spirits. ;) :)
DeleteI've been waiting for this post! LOVE it! :) Last week was one of the best, amazing, crazy, awesome, exciting weeks I've ever had. Thank you soooo much Jessica! There's no way it could have been any better! It was just so much fun! :)
ReplyDeletep.s. Can ya'll get me a baeg? ;)
oliviaaaaaaaaa. sheesh, i love y'all. ;)
DeleteWe only have bags down here Olivia, but I'm sure Mads or HanNic (<--- Heeeeyyy, new nic name!) could help you find a baeg ;)
DeleteOh and YES!! You should definitely come see me sometime! :)
ReplyDeleteyeaaaah! I'll let you know next time I'm up there! :)
Deletei can't believe it was a week ago already! i had such an amazing time and learned so much. thank you so much for the experience, jessica.
ReplyDeleteThaaaaank you for coming sweet girl! So glad you were a part of it!
DeleteBeautiful fun! Looks like a fun and amazing experience.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to save up just in case...I'll need like $1,200.00 and I'm getting a job soon,but it is my goal to go if you do it next year,so leave a spot open IF you do it again. =)
It's frankly ridiculous how awesome they all are. And I have a permanent grim plastered on my face for the rest of the day now thinking about all of them...and this: "I'll be married next year..." Yeah, that pretty much threw me into hysteric happiness... :D :D
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'M GETTING MARRRRRIIIEEED. Best news I've heard all day ;)
DeleteI love all of your descriptions of all these beautiful ladies :) Makes me feel like I know them a little better! Looks like you guys had a grand time! :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like y'all had tons of fun! :]
ReplyDeleteHow cute is that? Awe...
ReplyDeleteOooh my gosh, that looks like SO much fun! Love the photos and reading about what you all did.
ReplyDeleteHope you do another next year!
Ohhh.... I wish I could have been there! Looks like sooo much fun. Lauren Rae looks so familiar to me but I can't place where I would have seen her! Chicago area... that's by me so I guess I could have seen her somewhere...
ReplyDeletePleeease do have another internship! I would love to come!
gahhh this is so wonderful! looks like you all had a blast. seriously considering going the next time the internship is offered! :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this post!! Great pictures, Jessica! And I'm SO glad y'all had such a wonderful time :D :D
ReplyDeleteI just love this, it was fun reading your sweet words about the girls. They're all just amazing, and really? We don't pronounce that much wrong now do we?! ;) Fun meeting you over skype, maybe for real next year? :)
wow. what a time that must have been! ;) those gals are so sweet, funny, not to mention amaaazing photographers. i didn't even know what this whole thing was about... until i saw the word "internship". i thought it was just a bunch of incredible photographers getting together. ;)
ReplyDelete{and oh my, the Gaylord?! my family and i stayed at one in Tennessee. what. a. place.}
I'm just a new follower of your website, but i've been following Hannah's and Olivia's blogs for quite a while--and I was wondering who this Jessica Shae was who they were always gushing about. ;) now i know.
looks like a fab time! :) loooooving all the pictures.
oh wow, that looks amazing! you girls all rock and are amazing with photography! :)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so amazing - I hope that one day I might be able to do it! I live in Houston, so you're not too far away from me :) And you're photography is inspiring to me, so I would absolutely love to learn from you :)
ReplyDelete-mallory :)
Yeah, so I know that this post was from forever ago, but I just had to comment :) the whole week looked amazing, from the branding, to blog-makeovers, to making new friends, and of course: photo sessions ;)!!
ReplyDeleteso much inspiration from this blog post...:)