Anna: bridals || ft worth botanic gardens wedding photographer

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

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Anna was married to her best friend love last saturday and went from 'miss bratcher' to 'mrs. boring' so I can finally pull these photo's out of hiding and share them with y'all :)  Though I met Anna for the first time when she showed up for her bridal session, I already knew from months of emails and talking on the phone that she was one of the most genuinely sweet people I'd ever known.  Her emails were full of thoughtful questions and after I announced that I was expecting she was always telling me how she was praying for me and my little guy and she couldn't wait until he got here!  And anyone who gets excited about my baby with me is obviously way awesome ;)

Her bridals were so much fun and by the end of the session I knew it was going to half kill me to wait over a month to share them with anyone.  So glad that day is finally here--enjoy looking through them!
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Much Love,
Jessica Shae
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Oh hey!
Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae