Giveaway Winner! || dallas, tx engagement & wedding photographer

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

It's been so much fun over the past week having all your contest entries roll in day after day...I need to have giveaways more often! :)  I've loved hearing from all of you what your favorite parts of the new design are--hiphiphooray for an awesome designer, right?!  I was super amazed by how many contest entries we got, between all of y'alls comments, tweets, pins, etc...we had over 200 entries total!  Apparently I'm not the only one a little bit in awe of Hannah Nicole's amazing design skills :)

I got home suuuuper late last night (technically I guess it would be this morning) and just couldn't wait any longer to find out who had won.  So I added in the last few entries to my xl spreadsheet, and plugged the numbers into aaaaand the happy winner was entry #101:

SO EXCITED for you Amelia, shoot me an email and I'll get you all set up with Hannah!  Can't wait to see what amazing-ness she comes up with for you :)

I wish soso much that I could giveaway a new blog design to each and every one of you who entered, but even if you didn't win, PLEASE go check out her design site, and hire her anyways!  Her prices are so reasonable for what she'll do for you, and she's super fun to work with! :)

And on a completely different happy note, The Boy took me out last night and surprised me with tickets to the 100th Anniversary Gala of the Ft. Worth Symphony for our 10 month anniversary.  He's the best :)

I'm headed to Georgia tomorrow to shoot a wedding there this weekend, can't wait to share the pictures!

p.s. I finally got the last missing piece figured out yesterday about internships, and I'll be announcing dates and details next Tuesday!!!  Seriously can't wait :)
(edited to add) p.p.s. I just saw that Arielle Elise is hosting an awesome giveaway on her pretty new blog too--go check it out! 

Much Love,
Jessica Shae
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  1. That collage is pure cuteness. Fo Sho.

  2. yay! so excited. :) and gahh. you two are so cute, jessica! seriously. :)

  3. Congrats to the winner! Lucky girl. :)

    You two are pretty much the cutest couple I've ever seen. <3


  4. oh my. I secretly reeeeeaally wanted to win, but didn't think that the "odds were in my favor" on this one! Jessica, you just continue to be a blessing! & Hannah, I'm SO excited to work with you!

    And you two are seriously the most adorable. Happy 10 months!

  5. Congrats winner! :) That collage is way too adorable Jessica!

  6. Wow,I know her! Congrats Amelia! I can't wait to see the new blog :-)

  7. Congrats, Amelia!! So happy for you. [:

    You and "The Boy" are soooo adorable!! Seriously. Y'all are gorgeous. ♥


  8. Congratulations to Amelia! I know she'll just love working with Hannah.

    I am so excited about the internship details!

  9. Congrats, and the photos are also very very funny!


Oh hey!
Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae