Celebrating firsts: personal || dallas, tx engagement & wedding photographer

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I've always been a great lover of "firsts."  I dream about them, sometimes for years, and when I finally experience a "first" I want to remember how it felt for a million years.  Playing it over and over again in my head, looking at pictures, journaling every memory...  And I'm not just talking huge kinds of firsts--I pretty much celebrate them all.  First pair of cowgirl boots.  First mac computer. First wedding booked and first wedding shot.  First time driving a huge truck.  First time holding his hand.  First time out of the country, and first time shooting a gun.  First 3D movie, and first time riding the train.  I have an endless list of them.  Realizing and thinking about the little day to day accomplishments and firsts in my life makes it a continual celebration of sorts.  And I'm all about celebrating. :)

Last night The Boy and I celebrated a birthday together for the first time.  Dinner and dessert downtown, walking around in the cold laughing, talking, and celebrating the fact that 23 years ago the handsomest boy in the world was born :)

So those last two weren't taken last night...but I just couldn't resist throwing them in.  He's really the funnest person ever :)  Oh, and one more thing, we've made it to 1,300 on the Facebook fan page, hooray!  Thanks to all you lovely people I'm looking forward to another aweeesome year of photography adventures!  

Much Love.
Jessica Shae
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  1. Ditto with what everyone else said. You are perfect for each other I'm sure.

  2. you two are totally adorable. the end and the end. (:

  3. I love that first picture of you two :) Beautiful!

  4. You two are seriously adorable. :)

  5. Love the first two pictures of you both. So cute. :-)
    By the way, I awarded you: http://kathryngracephotography.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-award.html

  6. so sweet! I love the pictures :)

  7. Those are great birthday pics and great birthday memories! Yeah for this first, and another one coming up soon for you! I do believe there is a GREAT birthday pic missing from this post though. ;)


Oh hey!
Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae