* New Lens *

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am so excited about my new lens that I got in the mail yesterday . . . it is a beaut'!

I have been waiting on it for almost two weeks now and I thought it would never come, but it is finally here :) I love, Love, LOVE, what it does to my pictures, it is amazing! My dad was teasing me that it didn't look very impressive, because of it's tiny-ness, but I have to say that I think I like it better than my big 70-200mm lens. Besides, great things come in small sizes, right?!?

So, of course I had to play around with it a little, and take some pictures. As usual, I was able to find some willing models, laying around the house (ok, so maybe they weren't so willing, and maybe they weren't just laying around, buuuut, I have learned if you catch them unawares, it usually works pretty well :)

Lawson has become fascinated with the eight little minnows that he caught out in the stream behind our house. He loves to just watch them swim around in the two jars we are keeping them in.

I have three shoots coming up in the next two weeks, I'm so excited about them! Check back to see come cool pictures over the next few weeks :)

-J. Shae

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  1. We have the same listening ears because I went right out and bought that lens too. I haven't appreciated it as much as you have yet, but you've encouraged me to take another look through it. :)

  2. Yes, yes. I love that lens. Try the flip-lens macro with it. Very sweet stuff, there. =)

  3. Jessica! Thank you SO much for stopping by and comment. :) I love it that you don't like people you stalk blogs and don't say a word, haha! Made me laugh, because I feel the same.
    Hey, I have the 50mm f/1.8 too! I loooooooovelovelove it. :) Get the 85mm f/1.8 next! You'll love it TOO. Can't wait to follow your blog - I'm really adoring your photography style. :)

  4. I have learned if you catch them unawares, it usually works pretty well

    I agree.

  5. Oh I love that lens! Its the one that got me started :) She'll treat ya good :)


Oh hey!
Thanks for taking the time to say hello, it makes my day everytime! :)

Jessica Shae